Soul of the Earth

The Awen Anthology of Eco-spiritual Poetry

Edited by Jay Ramsay
Afterword by Anthony Nanson

Soul of the Earth is an anthology of poetry to inspire hope in humanity. Beautifully crafted, yet challenging received wisdom and pushing boundaries, these are cutting-edge poems from a new generation of writers who share a love of the Earth and haven’t given up on humans either. In poems as light as a butterfly and as wild as a storm, you’ll find vivid, contemporary voices that dare to explore a spiritual dimension to life on Earth and, in doing so, imply that a way out of our global crisis of ecological catastrophe, financial meltdown, and bankruptcy of the spirit is to look beyond the impasse of materialism. With contributions from poets in the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, this anthology reaches out across the planet to embrace the challenges and blessings of being alive on the Earth in the twenty-first century.

“Soul of the Earth: The Awen Anthology of Eco-spiritual Poetry” (ISBN: 978-1-906900-17-5) can be ordered Here

Below are direct links to Charlotte's poetry from "Soul of The Earth":